Camp Counselor Personality Test

Price: $18

If you run a children's camp, you need camp counselors with the right skills, abilities, background, and training for the job. Their ability to work well with children of varying ages and developmental levels while still following camp policies is crucial. The Camp Counselor Test from Resource Associates, alongside a thorough background check, interview, resume, and references, will make you confident you are hiring the right team player.

Our test is able to identify Camp Counselor candidates with good managerial skills to oversee program activities, and who delegate well and work through supervisors to establish a collaborative environment, while being an enthusiastic supporter for children.

About the Test: The Camp Counselor Test consists of a 132-question online personality test. It takes a candidate approximately 30 minutes to complete, but it is an untimed test.

What the Report Gives You: A graphical display of scores of areas covered, and suggested interview questions.

Last Updated on April 19, 2024