Household Worker/ Concierge Staff Personality Test

Price: $35

Find candidates who can work in your home in a trustworthy manner, take pride in attention to detail, are well organized, responsive to you and display a great customer service attitude. This test includes specific measures to evaluate if candidates might get into fights with other staff or be abusive to family members, and if drugs might be a problem for them. It also tests for positive attitudes about learning new skills and working hard. Lastly, it includes assessment of mental ability so you can judge how much supervision they will need, how quickly they will catch on to new assignments, and how much independent judgment you can expect.

About the Test: This test consists two parts and takes approximately 45 minutes to complete:

  • 126-question untimed personality inventory &
  • 12-minute test of mental aptitude.

What the Report Gives You: A graphical display of scores of areas covered, explanation of aptitude results, list of strengths and developmental concerns, and suggested interview questions.

Last Updated on April 15, 2024