Graphic Designer Personality Test

Price: $35

This test is designed to screen candidates for graphic designer jobs. It identifies candidates who work well with others on joint projects and take customers needs into consideration, are willing to engage in an exchange of ideas without getting their feelings hurt, and are stable, dependable and innovative.

The test also measures intelligence because synthesizing ideas for a customer and coming up with an action plan requires the ability to think abstractly and work with a lot of information at one time.

About the Test: This untimed test battery has two parts and takes approximately 1 hour to complete:

  • 132-question personality inventory &
  • 44-item untimed aptitude test that covers verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning.

What the Report Gives You: A graphical display of scores, explanation of aptitude results, list of strengths and developmental concerns, and suggested interview questions.

Last Updated on April 17, 2024