Consultant Personality Test

Price: $45

This consultant test identifies candidates who can handle a lot of complex information, manage problem solving tasks efficiently and communicate well and in a polite, positive, upbeat manner with a wide range of people. Candidates should also be able to work cooperatively with other staff and customers, take the lead in relationships with customers, work hard, and be a team player.

About the Test: This test will take Consultant candidates approximately 90 minutes to complete and the test battery consists of three parts:

  • A 125-question personality inventory,
  • A 44-item untimed aptitude test that covers verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning &
  • 34 open-ended statements to which the candidate has to type in his/her own short answer.

What the Report Gives You: A graphical display of scores, explanation of aptitude results, list of strengths and developmental concerns, and suggested interview questions.

Last Updated on April 21, 2024