Construction Manager/ Superintendent Personality Test

Price: $30

If you are looking for a new construction manager, there are several characteristics and qualities that can objectively predict how a person would fit into such a role. You want a person who is hard-working, able to delegate work and motivate others, eager to meet obligations while keeping a cool head, and has the desire to communicate with and please customers and other executives in the company.

The Construction Manager/ Superintendent Personality Test will also recognize candidates that possess these exact qualities. Moreover, the assessment also verifies whether candidates have the mental acuity to deal with difficult problems and make quick and solid technical decisions.

The Construction Manager assessment is not timed (except for two reasoning tests at the beginning); however, it usually takes candidates approximately 2 hours to complete. The assessment battery consists of five sections:

  • 20-minute mechanical reasoning test,
  • 7-minute 3-D reasoning test,
  • 153-question personality inventory (untimed),
  • 44-item mental ability test (consisting of verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning questions) &
  • 35 open-ended statements to which the candidate must type in short narrative answers.

The Construction Manager/ Superintendent Assessment Report will provide you with a graphic representation of scores in areas related to the position, aptitude results and their explanation, candidate's strengths and developmental concerns, the narrative responses given to the open-ended statements, and suggested interview questions.